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Session Schedule

The schedule can be found here.

When and Where

Developer Student Clubs OMG will take place from June 24th to June 28th 2020 in a virtual format through livestreams.

What is the Developer Student Clubs OMG? Why should I attend it?

Developer Students Clubs OMG is a platform for you to come and learn from the Developer Student Club Leads from all across the country. A free and open platform for anyone to learn and grow.

Who is behind Developer Student Clubs OMG?

Developer Student Clubs OMG is a community driven event which is being organised by the culmination of over 199 leads from 120 cities across the country.

What would be the language of the event?

All presentations at Developer Student Clubs OMG will be in English.

What all sessions will be there in Developer Student Clubs OMG?

Developer Student Clubs OMG covers a wide range of technical as well lightning talks, head over to schedule tab to know more.


How can I register for Developer Student Clubs OMG?

Registrations are now open. Sign In to to Register

What is the cost of a Developer Student Clubs OMG ticket?

Developer Student Clubs OMG event has no cost to attend.

Can I register for someone else?

It is highly recommended that each person submit their own registration.